Love is easy to spell and notoriously difficult to define, but ever since its dramatic discovery in 1930, Pluto seems to have captured the love of many people the world over. Perhaps this is because Pluto is a small and very remote world, lost in the incredible, frigid darkness of the outermost region of our Solar System, where our Sun appears in its dark sky as just another bright star swimming in a mesmerizing sea of starlight. Mystery is captivating, and Pluto has remained an alluring and bewitching mystery for almost a century, located as it is so very far from the feeble fire of our distant Star. On July 14, 2015, after a decade-long, very treacherous, and difficult journey through our Solar System, NASA's plucky New Horizons spacecraft successfully made its historic closest approach to Pluto, at about 7,750 miles above its long-hidden surface--approximately the same distance that it is from New York to Mumbai, India--making it the first-ever space mission to exp...
Like cigarettes, smokeless tobacco (snuff and chewing tobacco), cause mouth cancer, gum disease, and heart disease. Yet many think that chewing tobacco is harmless or less so than smoking. This isn't true! In 1986, the Surgeon General figured the utilization of smokeless tobacco "is not a safe replacement for smoking cigarettes. It could cause cancer and numerous noncancerous conditions and can result in nicotine addiction and dependence." Since 1991, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) has officially recommended that the general public avoid and discontinue the utilization of all tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco. NCI also recognizes that nitrosamines, present in tobacco products, are not safe at any level. Chewing tobacco and baseball have a long tight affiliation, rooted in the cultural belief among players and fans that baseball players chew tobacco and it is just the main grand old game. This mystique is slowing changing with campaigns by ballplayers wh...
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